
A Tucson shelter that usually houses up to 20 undocumented immigrants a night has seen no people this week. Since a policy change, immigrants are being sent to the Phoenix Greyhound station wearing ankle bracelets to track their location.

Downtown Tucson Partnership is one of many groups trying to help graduates in the area build startup companies in hopes that students will stay in town after college. As a result, the town’s downtown economy is slowly growing and steadily developing.

Every day, nearly 9,000 Mexicans cross the border with a student visa to attend school in the United States. They straddle a life of two countries, two languages and two cultures for the opportunity of an American education.

Tucson’s population of Muslim converts include a group of women between the ages of 23 and 57.

The Cruising Christians, the Tucson chapter of the Christian Motorcycle Association, defy stereotypes by spreading the Gospel on motorcycles.

Tucson Samaritans leaves water and food for migrants crossing the border through the southern Arizona desert.

When Rosa Robles found out she was going to be deported, she decided to claim sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian Church. She has lived there for 10 months and does not plan on leaving until her case is resolved.

Cuando Rosa Robles supo que iba a ser deportada, decidió pedir santuario en la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Southside. La señora Robles ha vivido en la iglesia durante 10 meses y no tiene planes de salir de ella hasta que su caso sea resuelto.

A vocational school is teaching unemployed people to become qualified entry-level cooks at local businesses. Caridad Community Kitchen offers a 10-week Culinary Training Program to Tucsonans who have little or no income and a passion for cooking.


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In Focus

With the temperature rising past 100 degrees, Thursday was a good day for Tucson’s city pools to open.